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Boost Your Email & SMS Revenue with a Simple Tip: Optimizing Popups

If you’re looking to increase your email and SMS revenue, here’s a straightforward tip you can implement today. 

The Overlooked Metric: Popup Sign-Up Rate

The issue is that most e-commerce brands don’t pay enough attention to their popup sign-up rate. Over the years, we’ve worked with over 200 brands, and a common mistake they make is focusing too much on the aesthetics of their popups while overlooking the key metric: the sign-up rate. 

Our Founder & CEO, JP Charles, who has been an advisor to brands like Verdilab Cosmetics, Oyo Skincare, Yes You Can Drinks, and many others, shares his thoughts on the matter: 

“I think that it is pure math: The average e-commerce brand has a 2% conversion rate, meaning 98% of traffic doesn’t convert. This is normal because the average consumer doesn’t buy the first time they land on a website as they are still in the buying journey. 

Remarketing and Retargeting: This phase is crucial in marketing. It’s where a brand nurtures a prospect to become a customer through educational content and social proof such as reviews or how-tos. Remarketing can be done through Google, Meta, and almost every marketing channel that exists. But the most profitable channel is email marketing. Hence, capturing as many of those 98% as possible through popups is important.”

Why Popups Are Essential for Capturing Email & SMS Subscribers

  1. Multiple Touchpoints: Customers typically require multiple touchpoints to convert. Statistics show that a potential customer needs to see your brand 7-10 times before they make a purchase. Popups are a critical step in creating these touchpoints.
  1. Automated Nurturing: Your email flows will kick in automatically to nurture subscribers into customers. This means you can engage your audience without additional manual effort, allowing your marketing team to focus on other critical tasks.
  1. Larger Audience: When you send out campaigns (which you should be doing weekly), you’ll have a larger audience to engage with. A larger list means more opportunities for conversions and, ultimately, more sales.
  1. Efficient Retargeting: Retargeting through email reduces your retargeting frequency through paid ads, making your paid ad delivery more efficient. Email retargeting is more cost-effective and can yield higher returns compared to traditional paid advertising retargeting.

Creating an Effective Popup

  1. Simplify the Form: Capture only the name and email in the first frame of your popup. Then, offer a higher discount if they provide their phone number. Simplifying the form reduces friction and makes it more likely for visitors to complete the sign-up process.
  1. Appealing Copy: Make sure the copy in your popup resonates with your audience. Use persuasive language and a compelling call to action. Highlight the benefits of signing up, such as exclusive discounts, early access to sales, and special offers.
  1. Simple Discounts: Use % OFF if your product is under $100, and dollar value off if your average order value (AOV) is over $100. Tailor your discount strategy to match your pricing structure to make it more attractive to potential subscribers.
  1. Target Non-Subscribers: Ensure that the popup only shows up for visitors who aren’t already on your list. There’s nothing more annoying to a customer than being repeatedly asked to sign up for something they already receive.
  1. Timing: Show the popup within 5-6 seconds. Ensure you have a good page speed to avoid disrupting the user experience. Delays in showing the popup or a slow-loading site can frustrate visitors and decrease your sign-up rate.

Test, Test, Test

The average popup sign-up rate for most e-commerce brands is 2-3%. However, by applying these principles, we’ve seen brands achieve sign-up rates between 5-13%. 

Testing is crucial for optimizing popups.

Here are some aspects to test:

  • Design Variations: Test different designs and layouts to see which one converts better. 
  • Copy Variations: Experiment with different headlines, descriptions, and calls to action. 
  • Incentives: Try different types of incentives to see which ones your audience prefers. 
  • Timing: Test various timings to see when your audience is most likely to sign up.

The Impact

This is huge because, instead of capturing 2 email addresses for every 100 visits, you’re capturing 13 email addresses. Just think about how much this can improve your email revenue. More subscribers mean more potential customers who can be nurtured through your email marketing campaigns.

More Subscribers, More Revenue

You have more people on your email list, which means more revenue when automation flows are triggered and when email campaigns are sent. Here are some additional benefits: 

  • Increased Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Subscribers who receive regular, relevant emails are more likely to make repeat purchases, increasing their lifetime value. 
  • Stronger Brand Loyalty: Regular communication through email and SMS helps build a stronger relationship with your customers, fostering loyalty. 
  • Higher Engagement Rates: Personalized and segmented email campaigns can achieve higher open and click-through rates, leading to more sales. 

The Revenue Impact

If 25% of your revenue is coming from email marketing, think about how important it is to increase the number of people signing up for your email list through effective popups. A larger list directly translates to higher revenue potential. 

The Best Popup App on Shopify

We tested a bunch of popup Shopify apps to figure out which one is the best, and Optimonk always comes out on top. It is easy to set up and allows for A/B testing and detailed optimization. Optimonk is used by over 30,000 brands, including Blenjet, Avon, L’Occitane en Provence, and many others. 

Optimonk’s key features include: 

  • Ease of Use: The intuitive interface makes it easy to create and customize popups without any coding skills. 
  • A/B Testing: The ability to run A/B tests helps you find the most effective popup designs and strategies. 
  • Detailed Analytics: Comprehensive analytics provide insights into your popup performance, helping you make data-driven decisions. 
  • Customization Options: You can create personalized popups tailored to different audience segments, improving your sign-up rates. 

By optimizing your popups, you can significantly enhance your email and SMS marketing efforts, leading to higher revenue and a more efficient marketing strategy. 

If you need help with email marketing, feel free to get in touch with our team . We are a growth marketing agency that helps brands drive more revenue through email marketing. We’ve worked with over 200 brands and can help you optimize your strategies for maximum impact. 

Boost your revenue today by optimizing your popups and capturing more leads. The results speak for themselves – higher sign-up rates, more subscribers, and increased revenue. Don’t leave money on the table. Start optimizing your popups now and see the difference it can make for your business. 

Are you ready?

Contact Ecommerce Boost today for a free consultation with our team of experts.